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The Miracle Birth
After giving birth to premature twins, Kate Ogg was informed that one of them didn't make it. Devastated, she held her limp 2-pound infant against her bare chest. For two hours, the mother and her husband said their goodbyes, cradling and hugging their son as if he were alive. Two hours later, the newborn began moving and gasping. Ogg instinctively fed her son a few drops of breast milk and soon ... posted on Aug 28 2010, 13,952 reads


Rappin' to Be the Change
How do you tell the story of one powerful man who moved a nation to independence, marched 241 miles (388 km) in a symbolic act of freedom, and brought violent conflicts to a screeching halt through fasting? How do you express the complexity of this shy and timid young man who grew into a fiercely gentle leader and pioneer of nonviolence? If you're MC Yogi, you rap about it. With smooth rhythm and ... posted on Aug 27 2010, 9,647 reads


Tenzin Palmo: Cave in the Snow
At the age of 20, Venerable Master Tenzin Palmo left her home in London to pursue her spiritual path. She eventually became one of the first Westerners to be ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist nun. In 1976, seeking more seclusion and better conditions for practice, she found a cave in the Himalayan Valley of Lahaul, where she lived for 12 years, the last three in strict retreat. Now the founder of Don... posted on Aug 26 2010, 5,175 reads


Bridges to Cross: Interview with Michael Grbich
As I was nearing my 75th birthday I was wondering, what can I do to celebrate this? I heard about this woman who tap-danced across a bridge, and I thought, this is what I'll do! So I pursued getting a permit. That was a very complicated process. You wouldn't think you'd have to have a permit to dance across the Golden Gate Bridge. There was a lot of bureaucracy involved, an insurance policy, a per... posted on Aug 25 2010, 3,623 reads


8 Ways to Keep Cool in Summer
The torrid summer of 2010 will cap off the hottest decade ever recorded on our planet. In efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions, people across the globe are stepping up and cooling down, AC-free. "The key is to focus on people-cooling, not building-cooling," states author Steven Cox. "Your body is constantly converting chemical energy from food into heat... But filling a home with chilled, stil... posted on Aug 24 2010, 3,842 reads


The Power of Trust
Many of us have conflicted responses when we are approached by a homeless person asking for change. Sometimes, we feel compelled to give. Other times, we are skeptical, or in a hurry. But for one woman in New York City, the power of trust in a fellow human being trumps all uncertainty. When recently approached by homeless Jay Valentine outside a restaurant one evening, Merrie Harris found herself ... posted on Aug 23 2010, 3,766 reads


11-Year-Old Feeds Thousands
It all began in third grade, when Katie Stagliano didn't know what to do with her 40-pound cabbage. She ended up taking it to a local soup kitchen, where her first encounter with homelessness inspired her current journey. Now, in sixth grade, Katie's six gardens have produced over 4,000 pounds of vegetables to feed the needy. "It makes you feel so good to see someone that young with that amount of... posted on Aug 22 2010, 4,117 reads


In Pursuit of Silence
When all is silent, what do you hear? The first widely observed national moment of silence occurred in Britain in 1919. For two minutes, switchboard operators declined to connect telephone calls, subway cars and factory wheels ground to a halt, and ordinary citizens held their tongues. Within 10 years, the somber annual tradition had grown so popular that the BBC began to air the sound of the sile... posted on Aug 21 2010, 2,970 reads


A Forgotten Young Man
When one woman runs into a childhood neighbor, she falls to tears after learning the hardships that have cast a shadow over his life. After his parents died, he lost two older siblings. He had become a husband and a father, but found himself lost for meaning. "Fighting back tears, I asked him if he needed some help getting back on his feet. He said he wanted to start a small business of his own. ... posted on Aug 20 2010, 2,569 reads


Live Life as an Experiment
It was an experiment. Peter Bregman was returning an item to a store. The item was well within the return period, but there would be a 20 percent restocking fee. Having recently decided to live life as an experiment, Bregman decided to see if he could tap into the store manager's compassion to waive the fee. In the grand scheme of things, it was a small act. Yet in the process of experimenting, th... posted on Aug 19 2010, 7,392 reads


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